About Us

Mission Statement

Wellcare Fostering Services Ltd aims to maintain a quality and professional fostering service. Our Statement of Purpose relates to the Fostering Service that will be provided by Wellcare Fostering under the Fostering Services Regulations 2011 (FSR) the Children’s Act 1989 and 2004 update and the National Minimum Standards (NMS) 2011. The Statement will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

Wellcare Fostering Services undertake to provide a wide range of family placements to meet the needs of Looked After children. Our service is founded on the philosophy that children need more than just a home. We aim to provide a Fostering Service that gives commissioning Local Authorities best value. We endeavour to deliver a service that is flexible and committed to meeting the needs of Children and Young People in care.

Status and Constitution

Wellcare Fostering Services Ltd is a private Independent Fostering Agency established in April 2004. Wellcare Fostering Services is a limited company registered under the Companies Act 1985 (Company Registration No: 4963908: Previously known as New Fostering Standards).

Wellcare Fostering Services complies with the requirements of the FSR 2011 and the NMS 2011 for Fostering Services for the wellbeing of Children and Young People. We are committed to supporting foster carers to provide every opportunity for Children and Young People in their care. Children and Young People should be able to achieve their potential in good health, education, money management, positive personal relationships and having productive use of their free time.

As a service we endeavour to be a preferred fostering service provider to Commissioning Authorities and provide a high standard of care to Children and Young People with varying needs. We continue to have a positive professional relationships with a number of local authorities and we review our policies and procedures regularly to ensure good practice and best value to Commissioning Authorities.

Wellcare Fostering Aims

The main aim of Wellcare Fostering Services is: “To make a positive difference to Looked After Childrens lives”.

To do this Wellcare Fostering Services aims to have a range of foster placements to meet the diverse requirements of Children and Young People who are Looked After.

The foster placements will promote and value Children’s and Young People’s diverse needs and in doing this will consider the Social graces that exist for the children placed, foster carers, parents and professionals which will help us in terms of working collaboratively with others in supporting a child - these considerations include:
• Gender identity
• Geography
• Race
• Religion
• Age
• Ability
• Appearance
• Culture
• Class
• Caste
• Ethnicity
• Education
• Economics
• Spirituality
• Sexuality
• Sexual Orientation

Wellcare Fostering Services placements aim to also safeguard and promote child focus placements. Services to be provided:
• Short term
• Task centred.
• Emergency
• Bridging
• Respite
• Parent and child
• Permanence
• Facilitate rehabilitation home to families.
• Preparing young people for independence

Going Ahead

Wellcare Fostering Services will be actively recruiting foster carers to meet the needs of children commissioning services. We are committed to making positive placements and aim to reduce placement breakdowns by appropriately supporting foster carers through training, supervision and where necessary “hands on support”. Whilst the growth of the agency is important, particularly in relation to ensuring there is sufficient, good healthy foster homes for children and young people, we do not wish to compromise the quality and effectiveness of care that is available. We want our foster carers to truly empathise and start to understand what is going on for the children they care for. The ability to reposition themselves into the world of a child will help the carers to approach and respond in a way that is comfortable for the child and ultimately build on healthier relationships within the fostering household.

Looked After children and young people deserve to be placed with families that provide safe and nurturing homes. Wellcare Fostering Services continues to believe that Children “Need More than a Home” and are “Dedicated to Achieve Positive Outcomes for Children”.

The Statement of Purpose is subject to continuous and annual review

Get in Touch

Phone: + 44 7877 507 101
Email: info@wellcarefostering.co.uk
504, Olympic House, 28-42 Clements Rd, Ilford IG1 1BA